Shopping / Ecommerce

Online Shopping App Development Services

Mobile Apps That Craft Enriching Shopping Experiences

Delivering Exceptional E-Commerce Experiences On The Mobile

Mobile is the selling channel where every e-commerce store needs to be today as this is the destination where the majority of online shoppers are. Businesses in this domain realize that having just a great-looking e-store will not fetch enough customers; they need to augment it with smart mobile apps so that they can maximize their reach and reinforce their brand image. This has led to the rise in demand for e-commerce app development services as sellers want to keep pace with the m-commerce trend.

At Flipworks Technology, we are a leading application development partners that provide advanced shopping apps for diverse business requirements. Our skilled team comprises of seasoned Android and iPhone app developers who have extensive knowledge of the latest trends and technologies. They also have a successful track record of having developed successful app solutions for clients across diverse industry verticals. Approach us to avail versatile shopping apps that take your e-commerce business to the next level.

Our Expertise

We empower shopping apps with outstanding e-commerce features

  • Appealing Product Catalogs
  • Easy Search And Filter Functionality
  • Social Media Integration
  • Order Cancellation
  • Product Categories And Lists
  • Multiple Payment Options
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Product Reviews
  • Push Notifications
  • Simplified Login/Registration
  • Simple Checkout Process
  • Multi-Currency Support
  • Shopping History
  • Inventory Management
  • Seamless And Intuitive Navigation
  • Seamless UI And UX
  • Order Tracking
  • Reports And Analytics

How E-Commerce Apps Empower Online Shopping Experiences?

Enhanced Revenues

With an extended reach across the mobile channel, these smart shopping applications can propel your business revenues manifold and enhance the popularity as well.

Payment Security

Win the customers' trust and enhance their shopping experience by empowering them with the ability to make secure online transactions right from their smartphones.


Serve unmatched convenience as a part of the shopping experiences as customers can pick their favorite products anywhere and at any time, with just a click of the finger.

Mobile Advantage

Be where the shoppers are as these powerful apps get you connected with the m-shoppers and also facilitate multi-channel marketing for your business brand.


Make personalization the core of your marketing strategy by delivering timely and relevant offers and recommendations via mobile push notifications.

Customer Retention

Leverage the mobile app features to build such amazing shopping experiences that boost the customer retention and gets them back again and again to shop.

What Makes Us The E-Commerce App Development Specialists?

  • Extensive skill and expertise that spans Android, iPhone, and cross-platform development.
  • Client-centric approach that is focused on creating tailor-made applications for unique requirements.
  • Focus on building robust apps that ensure security of financial transactions for m-commerce shoppers.
  • Adherence to best industry practices to deliver cost-effective and time-effective app solutions.
  • Vast experience in creating successful e-commerce applications for diverse industry segments.
  • Complete understanding of the e-commerce industry and the current app trends it follows.
  • Driving innovation in shopping experiences through high-tech mobile apps that use technologies like AR, VR, AI, and more.
  • Round-the-clock communication and support to ensure glitch-free running of the e-commerce apps.
  • Flexible hiring models that enable the clients to hire developers on an hourly, part-time, or full-time basis.

Want To Give Your E-Commerce Store The Mobile Advantage?

We have perfect solutions for you!

Explore The Projects We Have Worked On

To view our projects, please visit. To discuss about our services, products and expertise please contact us on [email protected]. We would be happy to help you!

A Few Stats About Us


Mobile Apps Developed


Web App Developed


Satisfied Clients


Countries We Serve In

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