Mobile WebApps

A mobile web app is an app which is essentially capable of running on the internet browser of a smart-phone or tablet. Not only can these apps run on multiple platforms automatically, but they also have a series of other benefits. Mobile web apps offer the perfect solution for the relatively simple web applications that need to be configured on multiple platforms.

At Flipworks Technology, we use high-end methodologies for creating advanced mobile web apps that deliver an app-like responsive user-experience and add value to your business. We have a seasoned team of app developers with expertise in creating technically-superior and high-performance mobile web apps for diverse business requirements.

Why Mobile Web Apps?

Advantages of investing in mobile web app development

  • No need to download as they can be accessed from the device browser
  • Compatible with multiple platforms and varying screen sizes
  • Easy to maintain as they have a common codebase across diverse platforms
  • Provide better, consistent, and more extensive user experiences
  • Easy to launch as they need not be submitted to app store for approval
  • Enhanced reach as web apps are accessible across a variety of platforms
  • Easily shareable which again translates into an extended reach
  • No need to download updates as these apps always run on the latest versions
  • Provision of universal access for the mobile web apps by using URL
  • Typically cost-effective in comparison to native mobile applications

Why Choose Us

At Flipworks Technology, we serve you as reliable mobile web app development partners

  • Proficient Team : A developer team comprising of seasoned developers with extensive skill in the current and futuristic mobile technologies.
  • Client-centric Approach : A client-centric approach with apps built to match the client's requirements and expectations.
  • Proven Methodology : A proven methodology that is focused on delivering quality solutions developed using the best practices.
  • Extensive Experience : Rich experience in using the latest technologies for creating mobile apps for diverse platforms and industries.
  • Flexible Hiring : Flexible hiring models that enable the clients to hire expert developers on an hourly, part-time, or full-time basis.
  • Timely Delivery : Commitment to delivering projects within the stipulated timelines while adhering to the highest quality standards.
  • Constant Communication : Availability for constant communication so that the client can convey his requirements any time.
  • Reliable Support : Reliable, round-the-clock support by experts to ensure glitch-free running of every mobile web app we create.

To view our projects, please visit. To discuss about our services, products and expertise please contact us on [email protected]. We would be happy to help you!

A Few Stats About Us


Mobile Apps Developed


Web App Developed


Satisfied Clients


Countries We Serve In

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