Hybrid Development

Hybrid Apps bring together the best of native and web-based application to deliver extensive usability and versatility. For the users, native apps and hybrid apps are indistinguishable as both are downloaded, launched, and run in the same way. The real benefit of hybrid app development comes for the developers as they need not create the codes for apps from the scratch for each of the mobile platforms; instead, they can reuse the code across multiple platforms by only writing a part of it in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. With this, hybrid apps become faster to develop, cost-effective and offer the best features to reach a wider audience, making them a wise investment for business enterprises.

At Flipworks Technology, we provide expert hybrid mobile app development services to cater a resourceful range of mobile apps that are capable of running on multiple platforms. Our mobile app developers carry the competence in combining the web development technologies such as HTML 5, jQuery, CSS3, and JavaScript with the advanced mobile frameworks like Ionic, React Native, Xamarin, Apache, and Titanium. We help businesses maximize their reach and reduce their costs with these powerful apps that are capable of working across multiple devices and platforms.

Business Benefits of Hybrid App Development at Flipworks Technology

Hybrid apps extend a full range of benefits that make them an apt choice for businesses

  • Reduced development time and investment cost as the core code of the app is developed in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript and it can be reused for additional platforms
  • Combine the elements of native and web applications, bring the best they both have to offer, like the usability of native apps and versatility of web apps
  • Advanced capabilities for offline activities as these apps are functional even when the device is not connected
  • Enhanced user experiences with highly-interactive and user-friendly design and outstanding performance and speed
  • More access to device's features as hybrid apps use the device’s own programming for syncing with other mobile applications
  • Increased visibility across search results as it is available on diverse mobile platforms such as Google Play Store for Android and App Store for iOS
  • Ease of scaling as these apps can be easily made available for new platforms and operating systems without additional efforts
  • Ease of maintenance as there is only a single codebase that has to be managed to keep the app in an optimal shape

Flipworks Technology caters to Hybrid App Development Services across business segments

  • Enterprise Applications
  • Business Applications
  • E-commerce Applications
  • Games Applications
  • Sports Applications
  • Social Networking Applications
  • Education Applications
  • Travel Applications
  • Tools & Utilities Applications
  • Entertainment Applications
  • Lifestyle Applications
  • Books & Reference Applications

Our Service Offerings

Hybrid App Development Services available at Flipworks Technology

  • Titanium App Development: We excel at Titanium framework development and leverage the features of this framework to create robust and enterprise-class hybrid applications for diverse business requirements
  • Apache App Development: We have extensive expertise in developing complete applications on Apache with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript packed as a native mobile application
  • Ionic App Development: We work on Ionic framework to deliver the entire functionalities of a native mobile app, yet customized across Operating Systems and devices with simple front-end
  • React Native App Development: We create your hybrid app with the tremendously successful and future-ready React Native framework and be indistinguishable from that of the native apps
  • Xamarin App Development: We leverage the features of the powerful Xamarin framework to create cutting-edge hybrid apps that deliver exceptional user experiences and high performance
  • PhoneGap App Development: Our coding expertise extends to PhoneGap app development too as we are capable of building lightweight and feature-rich hybrid applications using this framework
  • Hybrid App Design and Development: We specialize in designing and developing feature-rich and cross-browser compatible hybrid applications which have excellent user interfaces and deliver outstanding user experiences
  • Maintenance, Marketing & Support: In addition to hybrid app development, we provide post-launch support like maintenance and marketing services including debugging and optimization services

Why Choose Flipworks Technology As Your Hybrid App Development Partner

  • Agile methodology that enables delivery of high-quality hybrid apps within a minimal time span
  • Focus on building client-centric apps that are aligned with the unique requirements of the client's business
  • Competitive pricing along with the assurance that the work quality will never be compromised
  • Skilled and proficient team of mobile app developers who have expertise in diverse hybrid development frameworks
  • Extensive domain experience with a large number of hybrid apps successfully delivered to cross-industry clientage
  • Dependable support services with an expert team available 24X7 to resolve any issues with the hybrid apps we create
  • Commitment to adhering to deadlines and always delivering projects within the stipulated time

To view our projects, please visit. To discuss about our services, products and expertise please contact us on [email protected]. We would be happy to help you!

A Few Stats About Us


Mobile Apps Developed


Web App Developed


Satisfied Clients


Countries We Serve In

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