Event & Conference

Event Apps That Promise To Delight Participants And Boost Event Engagement

In the recent years, mobility has played a remarkable role in transforming the event management scenario. Smart mobile applications have emerged as a reliable means for connecting the delegates and enabling the organizers to manage the events in a better way. As a result, these apps are being adopted by enterprises and event managers to elevate the standards of events organized by them. This has led to a boom in the demand for event mobile apps development today.

At Flipworks Technology, we are a leading application development partner that caters a wide variety of apps for diverse requirements. If you are looking for a feature-rich event app for your business, we can assist you. Whether you are planning a 25,000 attendee tradeshow or a 50 people corporate leadership conference, our experts can create a relevant app solution that can keep your delegates engaged before, during, and after the event.

Our Expertise

We empower event mobile apps with a range of important features

  • Activity Feed
  • Social Wall
  • Schedule Management
  • Social Media Login
  • One To One Messaging
  • Contact Sharing
  • Live Polling
  • Surveys And Feedback
  • Map Integration
  • Individual Notifications
  • In-App Messaging
  • Photo Sharing
  • Live Streaming
  • Schedule Integration
  • Personalized Bookmarks
  • Analytics And Reporting

Benefits Of Event Mobile Apps

How A Smart Event App Can Bring Success For Your Business

Seamless Communication

Event management apps facilitate seamless communication between the attendees, speakers, exhibitors, planners, and sponsors so that they can manage the schedules and keep everyone informed.

Network Building

They also help the business expand its network as they enable them to maintain delegate profiles, create groups, initiate conversations, and use this network even after the event is over.

Reliable Event Feedback

As the users are encouraged to give their real-time feedback via the app, it becomes easier for the organizers to evaluate the scope for improvement and work on them to make the event a success.

Enhanced Engagement

Event apps also serve enhanced engagement of the delegates as they make it possible to capture their attention even around the sessions with polls, contests, reminders, and social interactions on the app.

Everything At One Place

Managing events becomes much easier as delegates can access the entire event info at one place- from speaker/sponsor profiles and schedules to session agenda, interactive maps, and shared documents and videos.

Post-Event Engagement

Event management apps empower businesses with post-event engagement too as they can measure the impact of the event, keep the delegates connected, and send them updates and reminders via push notifications.

Why Choose Us For Event App Development?

  • Creation of customized apps that are designed according to the unique requirements of the client
  • In-depth understanding of the operational processes and the challenges involved in event management
  • A seasoned team of expert Android, iPhone, and cross-platform developers capable of building diverse apps
  • Proficiency in the current mobile technologies and the latest application development trends
  • Flexible hiring models that enable the clients to engage developers according to their needs
  • Commitment to adhering to the highest quality standards and completing the project within deadlines

Looking To Enhance Your Business With An Advanced Events App?

We have perfect solutions for you!

Explore The Projects We Have Worked On

To view our projects, please visit. To discuss about our services, products and expertise please contact us on [email protected]. We would be happy to help you!

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