Cloud Solutions Consulting


No trend in the IT industry has ever been more impactful on the business than the change to cloud computing. Cloud computing has applications with a spectrum ranging from enterprises applications to social media or networking services. The only challenge faced by companies while moving from their data from applications to cloud has been integration. This gave rise to API and cloud-based integration-based solutions.

Flipworks Technology portfolio for Cloud and API Integration comprises of an in-house designed middle ware solution. It works seamlessly for your old and new systems and provides user with an exceptional experience with the app.

  • Protect mobile app from system changes at beck-end
  • Provide inter-device integration
  • Decrease development time
  • Seamless migration of data from your systems to our apps
  • Protect users from complex systems under the surface of apps
  • Provide integration for enterprises’ websites
  • Provide back-end systems integration
  • Easy detection of errors that are data-driven

Flipworks Technology Social Media Integration:

Cloud & API Integration serve as the middleware to the social-media apps. It functions as a shield for users by providing them of a simple interface and hiding the complex systems running below the surface of the app. It also allows the back-end data to pass seamlessly onto the frond-end application. Thus, now the enterprises can stay up-front in the social-media scenario using Flipworks Technology portfolio of Cloud and API Integration.

We at Flipworks Technology, ensure you a great return on investment by providing you with the perfect middleware solutions. Our solutions accentuate the shelf life of app and make it compatible to other systems and applications used in your enterprise.

To view our projects, please visit. To discuss about our services, products and expertise please contact us on [email protected]. We would be happy to help you!

A Few Stats About Us


Mobile Apps Developed


Web App Developed


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